Friday 20 December 2019

My New Name

Here is another Summer Learning Journey post for Day 4 Week 1 Activity 2 year 6-8. In this task I was asked to change my name. What I found hard while making this post was finding a really cool name because there are thousands of cool names out there! But I found a cool one in the end! Here is my post about my new name!


  1. Hi Sophie,

    Nice name change! You are absolutely right, Maria does sound Spanish and cool. I’ve read that there are many different interpretations of the name Maria. Many believe it to mean “sea of sorrow” while others believe it means “rebellion” or “lady of the sea”. Pretty cool right?

    If I had to change my name, I’d probably go for something like Theo, because I like the way it looks and sounds. However, I probably wouldn’t change my name from Beren because I like having a name that nobody else has.

    I also like the presentation of your blog post too! The lense flare highlights the text in a really cool way, how did you do that?

    Thanks again for sharing your blog post :)


  2. Thanks for the cool comment, Beren! I think that's awesome how one word can mean lots of different things! I just went on a free text graphic generator website and played with one of the fonts to get it perfect! Here is the link if you want to try it out yourself!

    1. Hi Sophie,

      That's so cool, thanks for sharing that link with me :)



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