Thursday 26 December 2019

Dame Whina Cooper

This is my 22nd Summer Learning Journey post for Day 3 Week 2 Activity 1 year 6-8. For this task I was told to find a inspirational woman to put on the New Zealand ten dollar note instead of Kate Sheppard and I had to have a little explanation of why I picked the person. I picked Dame Whina Cooper. What I found hard while making this post was finding the right woman to go on a ten dollar note. Here is my post about why Dame Whina Cooper should be on a ten dollar note.


  1. Kia ora Sophie,

    Great work on designing this blog post. Dame Whina Cooper would be an excellent option for the $10 note I think! Her commitment to fighting for Māori land rights, along with her ability to lead others, was truly inspiring.

    Did you know that she lived to be 98 years old? She accomplished quite a lot in her life. Had you heard of her before, or did you discover her when researching for this blog post?

    1000 kms is a long way… Can you imagine how long it would take to walk that?

    Thanks for sharing your post Sophie :)


  2. Thanks for the cool comment, Beren! Wow, she had a great life living for that long! I had never heard of her before coming across some information about her while trying to find a good inspirational woman from NZ. I could not walk that far! She must have been so determined! Probably like three whole months or more!

    1. Hi Sophie,

      Yeah, she was pretty amazing. Three months sounds about right, what's the longest you have ever walked before? I did a 4-day hike recently, but I bet that would have been easy for Dame Whina Cooper!


  3. Thanks for the lovely reply, Beren! I did a 3-4 hour walk once.


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