Saturday 28 December 2019

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

As you know this is my last post for this week so here is my 30th Summer Learning Journey post for Day 5 Week 2 Activity 3 year 6-8. For this task I was told that I could write about any politician or activist I wanted, as long as the post had the name of the person, what they do and how does what they do help people. I picked Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. What I found hard while making this post was finding a good person to write about. Here is my post about Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for sharing your blog post on Martin Luther King Jr. He was a truly inspirational man. Did you know he also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963?

    One of my favourite quotes from him is this: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

    African American people did already have the right to vote, since the 1870s, but Martin Luther King helped to end racial segregation which was a huge problem in the United States at that time.

    Thanks for creating this blog post Sophie, I had no idea he died so young and delivered so many speeches!


  2. Thanks for the great comment, Beren! Oops, I think I got that information wrong! SORRY): He would have been proud to get that award!

    1. That's ok Sophie! I sometimes get facts a little wrong too. There's so much information on the internet, it can be quite overwhelming.

      Yes, I'm sure he would have been very proud :)

  3. Thanks for the reassuring reply, Beren!

  4. Hi Sophie, Hannah here. I like your post. Great facts. From Hannah


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