Monday, 30 December 2019

Transformer Motorbike

Here I am again for another Summer Learning Journey post for Day 3 Week 3 Activity 3 year 6-8. For this task I was told to draw a really fast vehicle and then I had to write about what it is. What I found hard while making this post was drawing my vehicle. Here is my post about The Transformer Motorbike!


  1. Hi Sophie,

    Oh wow, the Transformer motorbike sounds like a great invention! That would be so handy to change from a motorbike to a plane, and submarine whenever you wanted. 200 miles per hour? That is about 320 km per hour! That is crazy fast!

    Do you think we will ever have transformer vehicles like this in the future? I know they have already made car boats or boats with wheels -

    This definitely sounds like a spy gadget James Bond would have. Are you secretly a spy Sophie?

    Thanks for sharing such a creative invention :)


  2. Thanks for the good comment, Beren! No, I am not a spy but I would love to be spy when I am older though! Hopefully, technology will get better and better in the future and there will be all sort of inventions that can transform!


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