Friday 20 December 2019

West Coast Travel Brochure

Here's another Summer Learning Journey post for Day 4 Week 1 Activity 3 year 6-8. I had to try to make a travel brochure about a country that is special to you but I mixed it up a bit and I did mine on the West Coast! What I found hard while making this post was trying to find a good district to do it on. But I know where my heart lies! Here is my post about how awesome the West Coast is!


  1. Morena Sophie,

    Well done on creating your travel brochure for the West Coast of New Zealand. Don’t worry about the mixup, New Zealand is such a diverse and beautiful country, I think focusing on the West Coast District is a great idea, and you obviously know it well.

    It sounds like if I followed your brochure I would have a very tasty adventure! Roasted Mars Bars? I don’t think I’ve ever had that before, I will have to try it. What’s your favourite summer meal? I think it would be quite hard to beat some tasty fish and chips.

    Thanks for sharing your post Sophie, you’re doing great :)


  2. Thanks for the lovely comment, Beren! I don't think I could beat sausages in bread with tomato sauce with delicious potato salad!


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