Thursday 28 February 2019

Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla

The Cincinnati Zoo has had a horrific event. A Silver Back Gorilla got shot just because a little boy crawled into his enclosure. Here is my statement about the disaster.

In My Opinion
By Sophie

The Cincinnati Zoo in America has had a horrific event today! Do you know what it is? A Silver Back Gorilla got shot just because a four year old boy climbed into his habitat. In my opinion, THAT IS CRAZY!

One of the questions I have is, where in the whole universe were the parents! Well, I know that they wander off sometimes ( most times) but sometimes they just need a break from you! But maybe this was kind of AT THE WRONG TIME!

There are times that we need to know HOW TO MAKE ACTUAL GOOD DECISIONS ( gun keeper )! The zookeeper was in a really hard position there, but it’s good to take chances even if you don’t succeed it’s better than making a BAD DECISION!! He had a tranquilliser gun in one hand and a real gun in the other hand but he didn’t pick to do the right thing!

Everybody says that they will look after animals that are endangered and they say it in a gentle voice, BUT WHAT THE…..THEY JUST SHOT A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD ENDANGERED SILVER BACK GORILLA!! Yes we all know PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING, but we have to take chances even if the little boy died he probably has a twin brother ( SORRY PARENTS)! ANIMALS ARE MORE IMPORTANT!

Everybody gets distracted sometimes but sometimes it’s a good thing! FOR EXAMPLE SAVING A BOYS LIFE! Now I know you won’t want to look like a rag doll in front of a gorilla and the whole zoo but you just go to do those kind of things in life ( you have a bad life)! Well, you should not have to do that if your lucky. You should just have to lower food to the gorilla and distract it while people get the boy out of the enclosure. The bad side of that is that you will smell a bit after it but who cares.

If you feel for the gorilla you might follow me in my statement ( war on zookeepers ). I know it is hard to pick between a gorilla or a boy and you can’t change what happened then. It’s in the past but we can always reflect. I strongly believe that the gorilla shouldn’t have been shot because if the parents were there they could have stopped all of this drama, the zookeeper could have made a better decision, silver back gorillas are endangered and they should have made a distraction. Just look at it through my eyes and think? What gun would you pick, tranquilliser or real?

Thursday 21 February 2019

What Kind Of Shoes Does Room 5 Wear?

In Room 5 we have been learning more about Statistics. First we had to learn about the cycle of inquiry, the order was ask a question, get the data, organise it, analyse the data and then answer the question and you might even have to go through that again if you come up with another question. We had to make up a question to ask a class or a few classes and they gave us the data we needed. So then we had to make a google sheets chart to show our findings and data. After that we had to analyse the data and write down what we found out. My question is answered! Here it is!

Kawa of Care

In Room 5 we have been learning about cyber smart. Today we had to make a drawing, called Kawa of Care and we had to make it about superheros. We had to pick three superheros, for three speech bubbles, saying something about how to look after you identity and your Chromebook. Here is my drawing.

Tuesday 12 February 2019


In Room 5 for the past week we have been learning about Statistics. We had to make a pictograph using Fruits Bursts wrappers and putting them on a poster. Here is my Screencastify!