Friday 17 August 2018

Castle Meanings

For homework on the can do list was to do a DLO about one of your words that is in your sheet. I picked the word castle. We had to say the meaning of it and I picked to do some examples. Here is my castle meanings.


  1. Hello Sophie, well done for doing this DLO as an extra piece of homework. You've clearly shown the meaning of the word, "castle" with your words and pictures. Do you play chess? Do you know the other name for the chess piece you are talking about?
    You might also like to know that "castle" the verb is a move that a player can make to protect the king in a game of chess.
    Mrs Idle

  2. Thank you for the positive comment. I know how to play chess and I beat my brother at it! I do not know the other name for the piece I am talking about.

    1. The name for the piece you referred to as the "castle" is the rook.
      Do you always beat your brother? Maybe you could find someone at school who also plays chess and you could start a chess club! It would be a good wet weather lunchtime activity.
      Mrs Idle


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