Friday, 21 August 2020

Dairy Products

 Who doesn't like butter on toast? Did you know that you could make your own homemade butter! At Awahono School we have started doing science rotations on Friday's. This week Room 6 were in Mrs Bailey's classroom and we got to make butter and ice cream! We haven't yet got to try the ice cream because it needs to freeze but the butter tasted pretty good. After we finished making the products we had to pick one to write instructions on. I picked butter! Here is my writing about HOW TO MAKE BUTTER!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie
    It sounds like you had to do a lot of shaking to get to the different stages. It would have been a lot of fun to see the changes as they were happening. Does it take a lot of cream to make a good amount of butter? Did you try it?
    I look forward to hearing how the ice-cream went as well.


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