Last week Mrs Ealam showed us a video about how to make a so last year chair into an so this year chair, using Modpodge glue that is non-toxic. They used the glue to put the colours and pictures from magazines on the chair. We used a different glue called P V A glue to stick the pictures and colours on and we used Modpodge glue to make sure nothing is going to fall off and if there is anything sticking out we can make sure it is flat again. First we had to put ourselves in groups of four so that we all work well together and some of us were just friends in one group. Then we had five minutes to figure out what our theme was going to be and ours was farming animals but then we couldn't find any cows in the magazines but we founds lots of hunting things so we decided that we were going to do hunting so we got guns and deer and other hunting things. We had to patch up the bottom, the back and the front of the chair but not the legs because there was nothing wrong with them and we had to make sure there was no brown wood showing and I think we did a pretty good job of that. At the end if you looked at the bottom it would look a bit messy but we couldn't help it because Mrs Elam said we only had about five minutes to finish and we hadn't even started the bottom of the chair. When we had to make sure everything was glued down we had to use the Modpodge glue to make sure that all of it was dry and not going to flick up but we could not put heaps of glue otherwise when it dried it would look like a snow wonderland. The next thing we could do better is to pick a theme so that when people would look at the chair straight away they would know the theme and maybe plan it out more before we stick things on. The one thing I really liked when I did it was that we were using teamwork and it was good that we all liked the same thing. Here is Zoe's, Haylee's, Tahlia's and my chair.
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