Monday 6 January 2020

Shakespeare Language

This is another Summer Learning Journey post for Day 1 Week 4 Activity 2 year 6-8. For this task I was told to write about what I did this morning and then use a website to turn it in to Shakespearean. Then on my blog I had to have the English version of what I did and the Shakespearean version but both are the same in a way. What I found hard while making this post was finding out what I did this morning because it seems like a long time ago. Here is my post about Shakespearean Language!


  1. Good morrow Sophie,

    What a comical translation! Didst thee enjoyeth this activity? The travelling lamp wilt has't been v'ry pow'rful to waketh thee up liketh yond.

    A hot chocolate and an egg on toast sounds liketh a delicious breakfast! I too loveth tomato sauce, and shall oft carryeth a spareth bombard with me at which hour I wend travelling.

    Thanketh thee f'r sharing thy m'rning with me! I greatly did enjoy reading and responding to it :)


  2. HA HA! Thanks for the Shakespearean comment, Beren! At the start I never knew that there was such thing as a Shakespearean language and I loved learning about it!

  3. Hi Sophie, Hannah here. I like your post on Shakespeare. Did you enjoy this? Next time you could add change your writing font maybe. From Hannah

  4. Thanks for the cool comment, Hannah! Okay, I will do that next time! How did you go while doing the SLJ?


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